Literature review: Valorisation options for stone fruit waste
The significant loss of stone fruit on-farm and in waste streams from fruit processing represents largely untapped resources of nutrients that could be utilised in value-added products.
This literature review explores the composition of discarded fruit and fruit components (skin, kernels, pulp) and focuses on the use of recoverable bioactive compounds such as antioxidants, oil and dietary fibre in food and beverage production and higher end markets such as cosmetics and nutraceuticals.
For each suggested product or application, a broad assessment of the processing input and the proportion of fruit utilised has been made based on the maturity of the technology, the number of steps involved and the consistency and purity required. To use substantial amounts, the stone fruit may need to undergo a number of processes.
In addition to the processing rankings given, all aspects of transport costs need to be considered including maintaining the stone fruit waste in a form that is suitable for valorisation.