When was the last time you drew a stick figure? Even just scribbling on a page? For many people I meet in my illustration workshops it's been a LONG while... And it's so amazing to see the joy on their face when they DO pick up the pencil! According to the 2023 Circularity Gap Report our world is still only 7.2% circular; therefore, we need way more accelerated progress towards a future where we live in harmony with the planet. To do this, we need sustainability and circular economy ideas to be more normalised and explained in a way that translates into action. And this is where illustration comes in! Visuals can stick in long-term memory, they can transmit messages faster and also trigger emotions and actions. So in this workshop, learn how to use drawing to simplify complex ideas and communicate sustainability concepts more efficiently. Please note: there are multiple times available to cater for different time zones.