Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) are huge drivers of innovation and play a significant role in supporting and working with the startup ecosystem. For Boomerang Labs' August webinar Nick Cork and Jonathan Middis will speak about the collective efforts of Fight Food Waste Ltd (FFW) to help Australia halve food loss and waste by 2030.
The second half of the webinar will be for questions and some speed-networking amongst food-waste-fighting startups. So, join the webinar and stick around to introduce yourself to likeminded changemakers.
Boomerang Labs is Australia's first Circular Economy Accelerator. In addition to the hands-on programs for circular startups, Boomerang Labs is an Innovation Exchange. It is a hub connecting companies, government bodies and other organisations with founders and innovators to tackle challenges of design, resource use and resource recovery in their organisations and supply chains.
They’re excited to launch their monthly webinar series in 2023, where they’ll unpack the most pressing topics in the world of circular economy startups and innovation. Each webinar will feature circular economy and business experts that they love working with through their Mentors Network, as well as additional subject matter expert guest speakers.
Do you have a topic you’d like them to cover in a future webinar? Let them know via email.
Please Note: Boomerang Labs webinars are recorded and shared via our social media, website and youtube.