Shaping a world-class circular dairy sector for Victoria
CEBIC recently held a workshop on ‘Shaping a world-class, circular dairy sector for Victoria’ in partnership with Dairy Australia and Stop Food Waste Australia. Representatives from industry and government met online to identify the next steps towards greater circularity in the dairy sector, including:
Opportunities to reduce dairy waste, such as new technologies in processing, modern milk treatments to extend shelf life, and packaging adjustments
Opportunities to better use dairy waste, for example, anaerobic digestion on-site or aggregating whey in central location for processing
Barriers and roadblocks to circularity, such as how scale, cost, and location can make finding solutions challenging
How to leverage opportunities and overcome barriers, such as supporting regional aggregation of by-products from small and medium processors or building more transparent waste stream data
Supporting better partnerships, such as creating opportunities for those working in different parts of the value chain to solve problems together
Areas that could benefit from government support, for example, co-design of regulation to reduce waste and encourage greater uptake of waste products.
We look forward to sharing the full detailed insights and recommendations from this session in the future.