Productivity Commission Inquiry into Right to Repair – Have your say
It’s not new news that repairing goods and prolonging product life is a key cornerstone of a circular economy.
On that note, the Australian Government recently released terms of reference for the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into the Right to Repair in Australia.
Right to repair is a consumer’s ability to repair faulty goods, or access repair services, at a competitive price. This can include repair by a manufacturer, a third-party, or by yourself.
The lack of access to necessary tools, parts or software poses a challenge to consumers or third parties when repairing products.
The inquiry will consider a range of issues that impact the Australian repair market, including the potential barriers and enablers of greater competition.
To read the issues paper, terms of reference, or to make a submission visit the Productivity Commission website.
Initial submissions are due by Monday 1 February 2021.