What works for collaboration in a circular economy?

Last updated: 15 January 2024
Prepared by: Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, and Deloitte Australia 
Prepared for: Businesses, non-for-profit organisations and researchers
First published: December 2023


Effective collaboration has been widely recognised as a critical component for driving the transition to a circular economy. Achieving Victoria's ambitious circular economy goals depends heavily on extensive and effective collaboration, as well as partnerships at all levels.

With this insight in mind, the Victorian Government’s Circular Economy Business Innovation Centre (CEBIC) investigated the common traits, strategies, and benefits of effective collaboration to advance the circular economy.

The What works for Collaboration in a Circular economy report released today showcases insights and case studies from leading circular economy practitioners and demonstrates how businesses stand to gain from effective circular collaboration while delivering environmental outcomes for Victoria.

Featuring collaborative insights, a practical guide to circular collaboration and 8 inspiring case studies, the report will assist Victorian businesses embarking on their own circular journeys and ultimately support Victoria’s transition to a circular economy. 

The report’s focus on successful collaboration and partnerships to achieve sustainable outcomes aligns closely with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 17 on the need to build effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships.

Read the full report