Funded project - Preventing glass waste in the events industry

Last updated: 30 August 2023
Project lead: The Frank Wild Company
Project partners: No Offence Wines, Circular Economy Victoria
Status: In progress
Funding source: Circular Economy Business Support Fund – Round 2
Funding amount: $65,000
Co-contribution: $65,000

This project will develop a new circular business model that avoids glass waste in the events industry. It will focus on creating a new reusable keg service and reusable glass bottles for wine at events in-place of traditional wine bottles, which generate significant waste in Australia.


Frank Wild aims to ignite a powerful wave of change, transforming environmental awareness and action across the events industry and beyond. As advocates for sustainability, there is an unwavering dedication to pursuing holistic solutions that uplift every stakeholder.

The purpose of this project is to develop a business case for circular wine solutions in the events industry that focuses on product life extension models and producing products and services using less materials. The largest contributor to a wine’s carbon footprint is the single use glass bottle (67%) due to its energy intensive production and high fuel consumption from transporting of heavy glass bottles with an inefficient packing shape.

The problem

The current waste issue for glass primarily relates to the environmental impact caused by the production and transportation of single-use glass bottles. The bottles contribute significantly to the carbon footprint of wine, accounting for approximately 67% of its overall carbon emissions. The energy-intensive manufacturing process and inefficient packing shape of glass bottles result in high fuel consumption during transportation.

The project

The project focuses on developing a business case for circular wine solutions in events. It aims to extend product lifespan, adopt product-as-service models, and minimise material usage. The focus is on reducing the environmental impact of single-use glass bottles, responsible for 67% of a wine's carbon footprint due to energy-intensive production and inefficient transportation.


The objective of the project is to establish an innovative circular business model in the events industry that eliminates glass waste. The project will discover, develop, and deliver a product and service to provide event holders with a sustainable solution for targeting packaging waste. 

Project progress

Key deliverables Status
Identify and investigate circular wine solutions, establish baseline wine event waste data. Identify potential Victorian event's industry customer segments and targets. In progress
Establish circular model baseline waste reduction impact figures. Design circular model including actions, stakeholders, outputs and processes at each stage. Develop business model, brand and value propositions and commercialisation model. In progress
Test prototype at live event and analyse survey and event operational data 

From the grantee:

“We're on a mission to reduce the carbon footprint of wine. Our focus is addressing the cause of 67% of wine’s domestic carbon footprint, the glass bottle. We are creating solutions for venues and events using Circular Economy principles through the partnership between No Offence Wines and Frank Wild sustainable events agency.

"Our project aims to create solutions co-created in partnership with progressive and sustainable Victorian winemakers, experienced logistics operators and world class venues and events. The grant from Sustainability Victoria has given us the support we needed to begin developing a business model and pilot.”

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