Food and organics

Last updated: 19 September 2023

In CEBIC’s first year, our efforts were focused on driving business innovation to reduce food and organic waste in Victoria.

Why food and organics

Victoria is committed to halving food waste by 2030. To reach this target we must consider ways we can reduce, reuse and recycle food through a circular economy.

By rescuing and redistributing food that would otherwise go to waste, we’re maximising resources across the entire supply chain.

To learn more about the true cost of food waste in Victoria and solutions to prevent it, view our Path to Half report.

How we support the food and organics industry to take circular action

Project funding

Together, round one of the Business Innovation Fund and the Business Support Fund have provided grants to 11 food and organics related projects.

Together, the 11 projects will:

  • implement solutions to reduce or recycle food waste by 40,280 tonnes each year
  • contribute to 4.2% toward Victoria’s target to halve food waste by 2030
  • identify, develop and trial solutions to reduce an additional 693,000 tonnes of food waste each year.

These projects are now underway. The Business Support Fund projects are due for completion in June 2022, and Business Innovation Fund Projects in May 2024.

Learn more details about our funded projects.